The Pros and Cons of Working in a Cattle Industry

The Pros and Cons of Working in a Cattle Industry

Eric Reyes is a passionate thought leader, having been featured in 50 distinguished online and offline platforms. His passion and knowledge in Finance and Business made him a sought-after contributor providing valuable insights to his readers. You can find him reading a book and discussing current events in his spare time.

Working in a cattle industry is not an easy life. Individuals doing this work are those who don’t mind putting in long days doing hard physical labor. Also, other workers might be required: Farmers often hire teamsters (those who drive or herd animals) and stockmen (those who care for them). Usually, working in a cattle industry is temporary work. The teamsters and stockmen often rotate jobs to relieve themselves from the occasional stress. It means there are always open positions for potential workers.

Most people would want to work in a cattle industry because they needed fast cash. Also, they don’t mind the long hours or conditions. There are many reasons an individual may consider when deciding to work in a cattle industry. It is not miserable, like some people may put it. It allows qualified persons to earn decent salaries. Regardless, as with any job, there are pros and cons.

The Pros To Working in a Cattle Industry

The experience is valuable and looks good on resumes. There are many positions available. These positions include cowboys (they keep the herd together), teamsters (they drive or herd animals), stockmen (they care for them), and farmhands (perform other duties on farms). All these positions usually need physical labor, which can be challenging but rewarding. It helps people stay healthy while providing income. Also, you get to see how things work inside the industry by being on the ground near it.

Second, if you’re good at working in a cattle industry, your salary will probably be higher than the average fast-food worker or cashier. For example, you can make about $7 per hour for being a cowboy. Although the amount is not much compared to other jobs, it’s still better than the minimum wage. Some people are even willing to travel thousands of miles for this type of experience.

The wages might also be higher depending on the worker’s location. If you’re willing to travel and you need the money, you might be able to get a job in a rural area. Here, the cost of living is low, which allows you to make more than average.

Working in the cattle industry is very time-consuming and strenuous, but you can still find free time for yourself on some occasions. This will provide an opportunity to explore or go for a walk. There’s also lots of free food available like fruit from trees or vegetables from gardens so it can save money.

The Cons To Working in a Cattle Industry

Although there are some good things about working in the cattle industry, there are some cons too. The following are common cons to working in this industry.

Working long days and the weekends is the norm in the cattle industry, especially during stressful times. The difficult times are calving or weaning periods when deadlines need to be met to produce top-quality beef.

The hiring practice for people looking into jobs in the cattle industry is often difficult. It is because many of these employers use an informal hiring process that does not involve interviews. During cattle industry recruitment, most entry-level positions are offered to the local community. Many of these are community members or close friends rather than strangers.

Sometimes social skills are not valued in this environment. Also, you should have the ability to multitask and handle stress, which can be difficult. For instance, you could be running after recalcitrant bulls. Also, it is stressful when precious commodities, like newborn calves or top-quality feeder steers, need to be moved. Such instances require no room for error.

Workplace injuries are common among cattle industry workers. These workers often lift heavy objects and use pieces of equipment that can injure them. Some workers, like cowboys, interact with animals and could get injuries. Aggressive animals are notorious for causing harm.

A typical day in the life of someone working in this industry starts early and ends late. Some workers say there is no future in the cattle industry. They argue that in this industry, you either sell your services or sell your calves. In their opinion, this influences limited opportunity. Also, there is no retirement plan for those working in the cattle industry.
