Ukraine – returned Indian Students Getting 2000 Medical seats in Uzbekistan

Ukraine – returned Indian Students Getting 2000 Medical seats in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan’s Medical Higher Educational Institutes (MHEI) and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine have provided 2000 medical seats to Indian students who relocated from Ukraine.

The universities are accepting students on the Erstwhile MCI and NMC norms (Screening test regulation 2002) and Foreign Medical Graduate Licentiate under FMGL Regulations 2021 at the request of the Indian government.

The universities will offer affordable education along with staying and Indian food availability. The Uzbekistan country will offer two undergraduate medical programs, i.e., six years of MD Diploma and five+ one years MBBS with one additional year for an internship, according to the press release report.

The universities provide a vast and modern infrastructure which includes a large number of teaching beds that are associated with government hospitals and clinics.

It helps the students prepare for the FMGE/ NEXT exam and cater to the language problem; the universities provide 30 per cent Indian and international professors and supplementary training.
