University of New Hampshire with Exail Begins New Maritime Autonomy Innovation Hub

University of New Hampshire

The opening of the Maritime Autonomy Innovation Hub at UNH was commemorated on Saturday, July 15 by Exail, a business known for maritime autonomy and robotics, and the University of New Hampshire, known for its ocean mapping research. The relationship will expand cooperation between Exail and UNH’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping by bringing Exail’s manufacture of the DriX, an uncrewed surface vehicle (USV) designed for ocean mapping and exploration, to UNH.

DriX, a 25-foot-long, 16-ton USV, makes its way from the UNH pier into the Piscataqua River’s mouth for a brief demonstration. It demonstrated its abilities to navigate and survey the seafloor.

Exail President for North America Civil and Space and CCOM Director Larry Mayer, NOAA Assistant Administrator Nicole LeBoeuf, Marine Slinge, Sen. Maggie Hassan, and UNH President Jim Dean all spoke at the occasion at UNH’s Judd Gregg Marine Research Complex in New Castle.

According to Larry Mayer, director of UNH’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, “This exciting collaboration will not only be good for Exail and UNH students and researchers, but also for New Hampshire and the country.” As we build a local engine for the new blue economy, “we anticipate that it is just the start of bringing many of our other industrial partners and government colleagues to the state.”

The president of Exail, Inc., Marine Slingue, stated, “We have been collaborating with UNH for the past six years, pioneering uncrewed technology, and we are now capitalizing on our mutual achievements with the establishment of this new innovation centre. “We would like to thank UNH, CCOM, and NOAA for their outstanding support, leadership, and vision on the utilization of uncrewed technologies that have helped us get to where we are now. We are very happy and excited to take this next step in our U.S. adventure.”
