Aspires to be the first university in heart and mind with a mission to advance business and industrial society by developing services of higher education and continuingly for the welfare of human being
Founded in 1968, with the delivery method of ‘Learning beyond the Classroom’ the University of Surabaya (Ubaya) is one of the leading private universities in Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific region, as proven by an ‘A’ institutional accreditation score from the Indonesian National Accreditation Board of Higher Education. With 8 faculties, 1 Polytechnic and 31 study programs, the university provides best-in-class facilities with generous teaching and research support for its 12,000 students.
Ubaya is a multicultural campus which gives the real hands-on experience to students coming from 34 provinces in Indonesia. In order to support its philosophy, it has developed Ubaya Training Center that provides various training for students and the public. Its other distinct facilities include Student Sports Center and Student Center. The university has also developed some labs including a Ginseng Tissue Culture lab under the partnership with industry and a foreign university.
Ubaya’s following study programs received international accreditation:
- Faculty of Business and Economics is AASBI and ABEST21 (for Master of Management study program) accredited
- Departments of Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering under Faculty of Engineering are IABEE accredited
Ubaya’s Success Timeline
The alumni of the university have occupied senior positions at national and international level organizations. These instances of successfully achieved careers include Ir. Soekarwo (Master of Law alumni – 1993) East Java Governor, Ituk Herarindri (Bachelor of Economics – 1984) – Director of Services and Facilities Angkasa Pura II. Some other accomplished alumni include Hermawan Kartajaya – Marketing Guru, Henky Kurniadi (Bachelor of Economics – 1983) – Member of Republic of Indonesia Parliament, and Adi Toegarisman (Bachelor of Law-1980) – Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes.
Meet the Judicious Rector
Prof. Joniarto Parung is consistent in being the Rector of the University of Surabaya for the periods 2011-2015 and 2015-2019. He aims to set a well-known and trusted foundation of Ubaya for its stakeholders. Parung says, “The key personality behind the success of Ubaya is I strive to management by example. I invite all Ubaya members to be disciplined with high commitment and integrity means I must first do and show it first. I ask the lecturer to conduct many researches and community service programs, and then I gave an example first.” His participatory strategy to enhance the contribution of the staff towards Ubaya is by knowing their strengths and weaknesses, and also by encouraging and motivating them in tough times.
Deeper Insights about the University
“Ubaya cares and actively involves in the cultivation, rescue, and improvement of the environment, utilizing technology for all educational and administrative processes” asserts Parung. The university is committed to providing unique programs to students and maintaining its teaching and delivery method excellence. It intends to implement the Inter-Professional Education by integrating faculties based on three major scientific fields of:
- Life sciences that integrate faculties of Pharmacy, Medicine, Biotechnology, and Psychology
- Business, Economics, and Law that integrate faculties of Business and Economics and Law
- Engineering and Computer Sciences through Faculty of Engineering
In order to differentiate Ubaya graduates from other university’s graduates, the university instills the educational process with a multicultural value from the humanistic perspective. The university has established a Career Assistance Center that implements three stages of Initiation, Growth, and Maturity. This Center is consistently assisting the students to choose their careers and withstand the business and industrial complexities.
Annual Events and Extra-curricular Activities
Ubaya conducts various extra-curricular activities and annual programs to develop overall persona of an individual and staff. This includes the Graduation Ceremony with a total of 2,000 graduates inaugurated, the Open Senate Meeting, New Student Orientation program, and Parent Meeting programs. The university also plays a key role in organizing Student Development programs, International Symposium on Management (INSYMA) and International Conference on Informatics, Technology, and Engineering (InCite). Ubaya also annually participates in the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) international conference and activity.
Road Ahead
Ubaya is on a mission to develop various continuing education programs. These would be especially related to certification of professions program, quality improvement, and lecturer development by financing, helping the students to pursue a higher degree. Its future plan is to develop and improve facilities, develop an integrated system and nurture organization culture that is adaptive to the development of era, science, and technology.
Words of Trust
“I learn a lot for my future career. The Ubaya environment and facilities are very complete in supporting the learning and organizing process”
- Charlos Putra Yoseano, Tourism Service Management student
“I am very proud as a graduate of the popular Ubaya study program. Then to strengthen my management skill before entering an industry, I am now taking Master of Management study program. I chose to continue my study aims to equip myself and ready to compete in the real business world”
- Grace Yuwono S.T, Ubaya Alumni