University of Wollongong, Dubai: The Creators of Sculptures of World

University of Wollongong

Engineers have played an important role throughout the course of time. They have defined generations by making possibilities out of impossibles besides helping us to breakdown misconception made prevalent by our predecessors. In doing so, they have helped form our views and visions besides turning our dreams into reality.

Such era-defining people can only be moulded in schools which while nurturing the minds of the young, encourage learning, innovation and collaboration. One such place which has always upheld values and has continuously stimulated in students, the spirit of innovation, creativity, and practical learning while helping them bring their ideas to life is the University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD).

UOWD was established in 1993 by the University of Wollongong Australia. One of Dubai’s oldest privately funded accredited universities, it is today regarded as one among the best and most respected educational institutions with a lineage in excellence and unparalleled student experience which besides giving students their attributes, also guarantees its graduates meaningful employability.  It’s for these reasons that UOWD is held in high esteem by its students, alumni, the business community and even the public at large.

It is located in the heart of Dubai in Dubai Knowledge Park, a thriving centre for education and training.  Here, it has its own specialized labs for security engineering, game development, and databases to support its progressive, skill-based curriculum. Students of this university have the privilege of conducting research which helps build skills that make them workplace-ready.

Vision and Mission 

The presence of UOWD, a leading Australian university known for its quality higher education and research programs, shall enhance the capacity of the UAE to achieve its goals with the backing of education and all that it entails. Empowering a technology-enriched learning experience backed by research and a thorough knowledge of the needs of industry, it is focussed on promoting innovation and developing an educated and empowered community. It aspires to be known as a premium and distinguished university in the UAE with its roots in Australia that excels in teaching, research and industry engagement meant to transform people’s lives.

As an international teaching and research institution offering high-grade, quality driven learning programs, the University is committed to:

  • making a significant contribution to UAE’s educational and professional learning;
  • enabling the creation of a pool of high calibre undergraduate and postgraduate students with a burning desire to pursue their educational goals while also helping them determine the direction of their lives, and contribute significantly to the students’ professional, community, and social identity;
  • providing an international learning experience which enables students to appreciate cultural diversity;
  • recruiting academic and administrative staff of the highest quality who remain committed to integrating the needs of students for high-quality education at all times,
  • promoting innovation and creating an environment of continuous improvement.

Dynamic curriculum 

UOWD’s continuous strive to provide its students world-class education is evident from the high ranking industry affords to its graduates. With over 3,600 students and an alumni network exceeding 11000, UOWD has built an enviable reputation for quality, integrity, research and innovation with programs that are contemporary and industry-related which emphasize on creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and developing new and unique skill sets.

Engineering programs and other notables of UOWD are aligned with national priorities yet are tailored to meet the demands of a global employment market. With the support of industry experts, it integrates real-world practices with existing theories thus ensuring its students are equipped to address complex business problems right from the word GO! With most of its faculties being research-active, UOWD supports their effort to encourage students by funding research grants for research assistance. UOWD’s Bachelor of Engineering program thus prepares students for successful careers in industry, particularly the sectors dealing with infrastructures, energy, information technology and telecommunication.

UOWD ensures its students gain beyond mere program-based knowledge and skills to include inter-program and industry-based collaborations. To this end, students of computer science and information technology (CS & IT) have collaborated with engineering students on projects dealing with “suitable wearable systems” and undergraduates (UG) are said to have interacted with post graduates (PG) on a recent research program on BlockChain. Other notables include UGs participating in industry-based IEEE/ACM research conferences on healthcare which has helped students gain from interactions with industry experts.

It has always given priority to learning which combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience. This is brought about through a dynamic curriculum which includes a rich bouquet of electives under every topic. Students additionally, are made to go through real-life situations by spending 12 weeks within an industry which gives them (more so those pursuing engineering), invaluable experience of linking theoretical knowledge with real-world situations. Such interactions also give students the opportunity to display their knowledge and skills which if considered exemplary, could turn an internship into future employment in the same organization.

Esteemed Faculties

UOWD’s faculty members have played a prominent role in the journey of its establishment and growth. Consisting of highly respected academics from around the world, they bring with them extensive teaching, research and industry experience. Their presence is aimed at mentoring promising talent and producing outstanding research with outcomes that will benefit the community on a regional and international level. UOW, Australia is a member of the Group of Eight (Go8) Deans of Engineering and Associates. This is in recognition of its having one of Australia’s best engineering teaching faculty who besides having created a reputation for themselves, contribute regularly to international research discussions on the developments and directions of their respective fields. This gives students here the opportunity to engage in real world case studies and research topics enabling them to excel in their careers as also help them with higher studies where they so want to.

The staff of this university teach with the philosophy that students ought to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life situations thus ensuring the outcome helps them learn better. With the faculty being of engineers, computer scientists and information technologists, students benefit the most by developing their capability to investigate and create smart systems that can solve society’s challenges among others, with respect to new energy resources, smart health systems and prosthesis, extended water supply and resources, and establishing smart cities infrastructure which reflects sustainability trends.

Future Prospect 

The faculty at UOWD has ambitious plans including expansion for both UG and PG programs in Engineering. A new PhD programs in Engineering, Computer Science and IT is also on the anvil. Currently plans are afoot to introduce programs such as the Master Programs in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Advanced Computing for Professional.

In 2020, UOWD will be moving into its brand new, state-of-the-art and purpose built 200,000 sq ft  campus in Dubai Knowledge Park.  This innovative campus backed by an avant-garde architectural design will be able to enrich the University’s teaching approach with flexible, technology-driven systems that shall match the skills of Dubai Expo 2020 and be its legacy.
