Values of education system to achieve SDG’s in our nation:

SDG (sustainability development goals) are setup by United Nations to achieve various sustainability goals in the globe. There are 17 goals named as Envision 2030 in SDG.

All the Nations are working to achieve these goals.

Our ability to use the resources without the fear for tomorrow. It’s our responsibility to make the next generations to enjoy the resources in our nation. Education has the responsibility to achieve the SDG’s in our nation.

SDG’s – A universal agenda to transform the globe.

  • No poverty
  • Zero hunger
  • Good health and Well being
  • Quality education
  • Gender equality
  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Clean energy
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Industry, Innovation and infrastructure.
  • Reduced Inequalities.
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Climate action
  • Life below water
  • Life on land
  • Peace, Justice and strong institutions
  • Partnerships for the goals.

All the above discussed goals can be achieved in our nation by the upgraded education system.

Role of education system

            Education has the wisdom of transforming our nation. Let us have an education system with the new vision achieving SDG’s. Students should get purpose and Value based education to have inclination towards solving the problems in the society and achieve the sustainability development goals.

It’s time for us to aspire for the sustainable nation through the education system in our nation. If this aspiration gains momentum among the educators and the students of India, then actionable ideas can be worked out to achieve sustainability.

This ecosystem in the education system can be made possible by adding the Value based learning practices. The students nourishing with this value will be the best citizens and will have inclination towards the societal improvements.



Agenda of Indian youth

The students nourished by this ecosystem of education in India will initiate their ideas to work on sustainability and to enjoy the sustainable growth together. Their valuable ideas can bring lots of societal changes and leads to profound transformation in our nation. This ecosystem empowers to take creative decisions and responsible actions for the growth. Also, the students of this ecosystem, can become be the social entrepreneurs and create values in the society.

Businesses create wealth in the society. Thus, the business has the power to bring lots of transformation in the society. The students of this ecosystem, can become be the social entrepreneurs and create values in the society. All these lies in the education system of our nation. So, the educational practices should be highly updated to achieve the SDG’s.


By Dinakar D Sethus

