Why Do You Need to Stay Active When Working From Home?

Working From Home

When people talk about the ‘new normal’, they’re often referring to the increased prevalence of concepts such as remote and hybrid working.

Such trends have undoubtedly been accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic, with an estimated 46.6% of Brits working from home last April and some 86% doing so as a direct result of the virus.

However, there are health issues with working from home, both from a physical and mental perspective. So, why is it important that you remain especially active when working from home?

The Issue With Working From Home

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US, we should all get a minimum of 150 minutes of physical activity each week.

While this can be broken down into short, 30-minute segments during the five-day working week, even achieving this can be problematic for remote workers who often struggle to complete 100-steps every day.

Then there’s the increased access to snacks and food at home, as we regularly find ourselves taking much-needed breaks from our screens and filling these by nibbling on biscuits, crisps, and whatever we can lay our hands-on.

These factors can combine to create a perfect storm of inactivity and overeating, which can cause unintended weight gain and trigger a range of unwanted health complaints over time.

As strange as it may seem, being overweight and unhealthy can increase the risk of injury while working from home, potentially leading to futile accident or personal injury claims.

The Benefits of Keeping Active and the Importance of Mindset

In addition to minimising the risk of injury and long-term illness, keeping active as a remote worker can also enable you to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

This will also help to strengthen and condition your core muscles while potentially boosting your immune system and enabling you to fight off seasonal bugs and ailments (particularly when regular activity is combined with a balanced and healthy diet).

From a mental perspective, keeping active and physically fit is also known to enhance your cognitive health and mental performance, which studies suggest can be at particular risk when working from home.

The question that remains, of course, is how do you stay fit as a remote worker? Well, you’ll need to create a daily schedule and regime that creates time for physical exercise, whether this is a 30-minute run, home spin session, or a cycle ride through your local park.

Remember, you don’t need to spend huge amounts of time each day working out, with between 30 and 45 minutes enough to maintain a desirable level of fitness.

Mindset is also key, as you’ll need to commit to physical fitness and diet over an extended period of time to achieve results.

This can create a cycle of positivity, of course, but this starts with discipline, focus, and a mentality that wants to pursue change for the better.
