The Winstedt School: A Haven for Children who Learn Differently

The Winstedt School

The Winstedt School redefines the possibilities of education for those who learn differently — living and breathing vision to defy convention and create a movement of equity in education for every child.

The Winstedt School is located in the sunny beautiful island of Singapore. The school is unique in that it delivers a mainstream British curriculum through multi-sensory lessons and personalised instruction. Leveraging the small classes and emphasis on integrated arts, Winstedt teachers customise instruction to support the learning needs of each student, while keeping them actively engaged and excited about learning.

What makes Winstedt special is that each child has a dedicated team of educators, support specialists and therapists involved in all aspects of the school day. This integrated team approach ensures that each child’s unique educational needs are met and woven throughout the school day.

Special Features Enriching Students’ Life at Winstedt

Personalised Instruction

With a maximum class size of 15 students to 2 qualified teachers, Winstedt provides personalised attention to the children so that they can perform better and shine in the classroom. Teachers develop tailored learning goals, based on each child’s individual needs and abilities, with on-going follow-up and adjustments throughout the school year. In addition, throughout the term ‘Knowledge Checks’ are conducted in literacy and numeracy and documented in a systematic way so that parents can see a detailed record of their child’s progress.

Multi-age Groupings

Rather than assuming all students of a given age are working at the same level, Winstedt students are placed in their classes based on a variety of factors, including social and emotional development, learning profile and academic skills.

Students in Year 3 and above are further grouped by learning profile for the core subjects of Literacy, Phonology and Maths so that each student is learning at the level, and in the style, that best suits his or her needs.

Integrated therapy

Weekly integrated therapy sessions are conducted by Speech and Language, Occupational and Behavioural Therapists in the classes of Winstedt. Therapists work in tandem with teachers to implement customised strategies to support the individual development needs of each student and of each class. This integrated therapy approach allows the students to practice skills in real-time, as a group and enables students to learn from one another.

Multisensory Lessons and Collaborative Instruction 

While traditional classrooms rely mainly on hearing and seeing for instruction, Winstedt delivers a multisensory learning approach allowing students to access concepts through all their senses. Winstedt’s arts-infused curriculum provides creative avenues for both differentiated instruction and for students to demonstrate what they’ve learned. And Winstedt’s specialist teachers collaborate to deliver cross-discipline instruction facilitating alternative ways to introduce and reinforce concepts.

Active Learning

Daily morning fitness sessions help in improving concentration and focus, especially for students with attention challenges. Regularly scheduled movement breaks, active lessons and Occupational therapy fidgets are built in to classrooms and lessons.

Beyond Academics

Regularly scheduled, whole-class sessions on personal, social, emotional and health topics with the school counselor help students develop critical soft skills often taken for granted.

Regular field trips, connected to academic units, are scheduled every term to allow students to apply concepts in a real-world context. Whole-day, overnight and overseas camps for students of Year 4 and above, facilitate independence, problem solving and leadership skill.

The Vision of Winstedt

The Winstedt School has a living and breathing vision to defy convention and create a movement of equity in education for every child. This vision is supported by the commitment and adherence to the school’s core beliefs:

  • No two brains are alike
  • There are many paths to successful learning
  • The connectivity of community
  • The best classrooms are made up of 2 teachers and a maximum of 15 students
  • The power of art in education
  • That education should be relevant to the opportunities of today and tomorrow

Through intuitive, imaginative and engaging learning, the specially trained and exceptionally committed teachers demonstrate and affirm their vision each day.

The school delivers a UK-accredited curriculum and has been given Singapore’s EduTrust certification, a rigorous quality assurance framework for private education providers. The school has also recently been recognised by a Member of the French Parliament.

About the CEO

The Winstedt School was purpose-built and founded by the CEO, Ms. Sharon Solomon. Her experiences as a student and teacher have helped shape the decision to provide equal opportunities for those who learn differently. Sharon has earned her Master of Education (M.Ed.), Education and Graduate Certificate of Research Methods from James Cook University.

Unleashing Career Opportunities

The Winstedt School currently goes to Year 9 with additional class levels added each year. The School has recently rolled out its Senior School curriculum, utilising the Pearson Edexcel and ASDAN academic frameworks. These globally-recognised, high-quality frameworks are used in more than 10,000 schools across 160 countries.

This diverse range of academic options provides Winstedt students with flexible pathways, globally recognised qualifications and critical employability skills.

“Word of Trust”

We are very grateful to have found The Winstedt School. The supportive community has done so much to help my son in gaining the confidence to enjoy school again. The Teachers are wonderful and in a place where everyone knows everybody, the anxiety in my son is almost completely gone. A happy child is a happy learner.” — Cheryl, Parent of a Year 8 student
