Workshops and Seminars: Coloring the Creative Side

Coloring the Creative Side
Coloring the Creative Side

I was created to create – Anonymous

Experiencing the new-age learning with high-end technology and advanced software, application or even learning through videos is become a common thing amongst students. There isn’t any doubt that technology gives wide-ranging options and brings forth the new options, perspectives, and innovative ideas to enhance the entire concept of learning itself. With the help of technology, some of the other interesting mediums to learn through are workshops and seminars. This concept was just to bring about a change with respect to the day-to-day school life.

It all starts with organizing a particular session and encouraging students to participate in it by creating a lively environment. This in turn also grows the bond among students as the interaction, group work, being part of a team are all part of contributing in a particular session. These sessions can be related to anything like art, dance, study, or travel. These sessions and workshops are mostly held to get away from the everyday routine of the old-school method of learning with textbooks, marking on the important sentences or jotting down notes, all of these at some point get monotonous. So, to give the boredom a break and indulge in such sessions of fun is always thrilling for kids.

As every kid is unique in their own way they also have different capabilities which help them shine amongst all. One of the major traits related to anyone’s personality is their creative side. Many a times, these creative sides get locked as students get engrossed in either studying or in their extra-curricular activities. Hence, workshops and seminars are of great help to bring back a student’s passion and try to give it a new meaning all together.

These workshops are mostly conducted on weekends making it fun event to enjoy with friends/classmates but at the same time learn new things. These seminars and workshops are also conducted year-long depending on the active participation of students. Twice every month is a good option as this way the students can portray, showcase their work and carry-out an exhibition inviting audience over to see their diligent work. Gathering an audience or the top-echelons of a particular fraternity can open up doors of opportunities for students. In school, the students are at a young and tender age; hence it will mold their creativeness and spread their wings to dream further to pursuing that particular field.

The teachers, mentors, and guides at these workshops and seminars are very friendly as many of them are young teaching professionals who try to build a bond of friendship with students. This makes the students more comfortable which in turn makes them express their thoughts, views regarding the entire process. Boosting a student’s confidence to communicate and interact is one of the most important aspects which count to be a plus point in the future as well. Building a character of strength and making students well aware of their hidden talent is what these workshops and seminars aim to do.

Understanding one’s interests and pursuing a career which is based on innovative and creative ideas will never seem like work. The entire motto of organizing the seminar sessions and workshop is to bloom the creative side of a student personality and continue to nurture in the upcoming years.

—  Apurva Bhosale

