Harvard University’s Strategic Data Project Fellowship Program

Harvard University

Harvard University is a private, Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, established in 1636, whose history, influence, and wealth have made it one of the world’s most prestigious universities. In December 2016 they are conducting the fellowship program named ‘Strategic data project’ (SDP).

The education agencies need capacity to analyze the unprecedented amount of data, and this data used for better decision making. The Strategic Data Project Fellowship Program develops data strategies in education by top notch talent with superior skills in collecting communicating and analyzing with data. It can help educational organization leverage existing data and build an evidence base to support this new landscape and produce lasting results.

How this Fellowship Program works?

SDP Fellows receive a rich complement of professional development designed to boost skills and knowledge in key areas that include analysis, leadership/ management and effective communication and  research findings in education policy. This program mainly featured in the professional  development which include things like these.

One orientation, which includes session led by some of the leading programming evaluation academics in the field.

Two annual convenings in which fellows, agency leaders, faculty, alumni, and partners address the challenge of shifting the culture of school systems to use data in better and more informative ways

A nationally recognized researcher to serve as a faculty advisor to each team of fellows

A fellowship alumni mentor to support fellows’ leadership growth.

Virtual learning opportunities with faculty and fellow alumni to build skills between workshops.

Online resources and communities, and access to the Harvard Graduate School of Education online library.

Access to a growing national network of data strategists. 

This program covers various aspects like Program evaluation, Data management, Data visualization techniques, Student growth models, Pathways of college readiness and post-secondary success, Measures of teacher evaluation, Early warning indicators, Leadership,  and Education policy communication.  

Who are the SDP Fellows?

Fellows come from diverse professional backgrounds, but share an interest in effecting change in educational organizations and a commitment to making a difference in the lives of students across the country will be the fellows of SDP. There are two types of fellows like Data fellow and Agency fellow. Data fellow is recruited by SDP and Agency fellow, like current employee who has identified as analytic leader in their agency.

SDP Fellows and their supervisors form a network of analytic leaders committed to impacting education reform through research and data. Each partner organization, fellows and their supervisors reach important goals and produce powerful results by using this program. The curriculum focus on areas includes measuring teacher effectiveness, compensation, college-going success and persistence, data management, data visualization, early warning systems, and implementing data-driven operational decisions. Through this workshop session, book clubs, and webinars fellows, develop a deep understanding of current trends and policy issues, becoming specialists in using analysis to inform policy.

