Nandha Infotech: Preparing Students for the Changes of Tomorrow

Nandha Infotech | the education magazine

To be a solution provider for technology-related demands

Incepted in 2017, Nandha Infotech is a software firm led by the guidance of excellent experts. Initially, it laid its foot in the field of software and technology and then developed itself as an independent software firm purely focused on both training and development. The unique feature about the firm is that pure geniuses and World Record Holders govern it. The company is ingenious enough to explore and find their best solution to accomplish the clients’ needs for enhancing the performance of any sort of enterprise.

Nandha Infotech is dedicated to national enterprise that functions, and links with an ecosystem of sites and with the global community. Students are given real-time exposure of work environment by making them get working in the products, projects, and business handling by communicating with the clients for their entrepreneurship skill development.

Till now, the firm has provided the needed complete solution to any enterprise-related training and development programs. It has trained more than 80,000 candidates, both students and corporate people, by igniting their technical aspirations. Quoting about the current world status, the firm states, “There are millions of minds striving to lead technically in this technical-driven universe. This goal, though as a statement seems simple, it revolves around greater experience. Igniting young minds to live this experience is our ultimatum”.

The World Record Holder Himself

Vigneshwaran is the brain behind the Nandha Infotech as its Founder and CEO. He has an” Honorary Doctorate “from Universal Tamil University for “Most Web Application Developed”. He holds the ‘Universal Achievers Book of Record Holder’ for Creating 153 Web Application Developed in 10 hrs. by an Individual. He is the youngest CEO to achieve this feat. Talking about his journey, he asserts, “As a first graduate from my family, I have surfed through rough tides to attain a position of laureate in this field of technologies. To me growing is to explore out of the box ideas, in any field and to present them even to the remote minds. Even though technology has almost edged its limits in terms of implementation, I have taken this as my mutter of success, as a budding entrepreneur with six-plus years of experience in programming and development”.

Producing Competent Tech Experts

Unlike traditional firms, Nandha Infotech believes in growing with individual learners. “We don’t believe in growing us without the growth of any of our individual trainees”. The firm deploys their trainees in real-time projects rather than teaching them through the conventional long budding phases. This is the working pipeline of the firm, which focus on enhancing the technical talent of every individual trainee.

Nandha Infotech`s Headquarters is in the heart of Coimbatore, started mainly for Software development, Web designing, Utility Software, Management Software, Mobile applications, and Website designing. Its innovation and leadership in the consumer market and in corporate market make them a redoubtable competitor in this informative age.

The firm provides the following on-premise hands-on training via workshops and seminars.

Inplant Training and Internship

The students here are motivated and are imparted with innovative ideas and knowledge in terms of technology-driven sources. They receive guidance from technical experts via real-time projects for their better understanding of technical sources. In simple terms, students can gather knowledge about the completeness of the industry in a limited period.

There is also an internship program, which extends from a period of a month to a student’s own intended period. Alongside being certified form the ISO certified institution, the students can form a better understanding of the business and market functions. An added advantage for the students is that they attain training from the world record holder and experts.

Industrial School / College Interrelationship Skill Development Program

ISISDP is an elite program, which can make its members take a broader dip into the field of technology with a fascinating thought of grooming themselves both in career and personality development before they move into the more competing world.

The company aid learners in bringing their dreams to reality as it focuses on their overall development. The firm not only trains them for technical skill development but also in their personality and skill development for grooming their career as they wish to. Depending on the company’s requirement, the students can also be hired as employees by making them part of the organization.

Industry Trends and Application

The firm keeps itself in line with the ever-evolving technological market and comes to know about the updates as earlier as possible. As software and an associate of electronics company- Aimer Electronics-, it knows current happenings in and out of the market on a daily basis, and updates trainees on the same basis. For the future updates, as part of Aimer Electronics, it is developing a prototype model for AR and VR training, which is first of its kind in this domain.
