One Language One Window

Dr. Rupali Dhamdhere
Dr. Rupali Dhamdhere | educational professional

Namaste!  Hola!  Bonjour! Salaam!

A big Hello to all.

So simple yet so complicated. Many of us know that the above are just greetings in different languages.Most of us know that each of those greetings belong to a different language, but maybe only a handful of us would be able to read and write fluently in each of the language.

It is said that almost 40% of the world population speak only one language, people speaking in two languages is close to 43%, so on and so forth but the people who can speak in 5 languages fluently is less than 1%. Isn’t it surprising that when language is an integral part of our existence then why only a few can speak in more than 3 languages? We are not born without a culture and culture is language, we need language to think, to express, to read, to write as a matter of fact even to dream we need language. It is the most earnest form of expression.

When a baby is born, it just needs to express and the mother knows exactly what the child needs without the child mentioning it in words. Language is not merely words or a pattern of letters put together; it is expression and expression from the soul. Thus the language reaches another soul. It is not just a way of communication as it never depends on a set pattern of letters it is a means to reach out to people to understand people.

The history of languages goes far beyond our research and imagination. No one can really pin point and say that this is from where languages came into existence. Yes there may be certain facts attaches to it. It all began with relating a sound to a symbol. A bird singing so the sound of the bird attached to the name of the bird. If we go by numbers and facts there are more than 6,000 spoken languages in the world today but 2,000 of the languages have less than a 1,000 speakers and Mandarin is said to be the most popular

Then the question arises that is it possible to learn or know so many languages. not really but knowing more than one language gets you closer to understanding yourself and the other person with a better perspective.

It helps you think with a wider vision and opens the doors to other cultures. They say that until you know another language it is difficult for you to understand your own language. Adaptability is something that is deteriorating these days; with the growing presence of social media we are turning ourselves into shells and like living in the virtual world. But when you know the language you feel at home anywhere in the world. Knowing more languages or being multilingual has its own advantages. it helps you to get closer to the other person immediately without apprehension. Like very aptly said by Nelson Mandela

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head but if you talk to him in his language that goes to his heart.”

As today we say the globe is coming closer so it is all the more important to reach the hearts of people and not just minds. A multilingual person can exactly do that . reach hearts. so is successful and has better adaptability. He is in a position to understand his culture better as he knows about other cultures. so in a way knowing other languages gets you closer to your own. Today we teach our children to speak in may be the language of the world, we want our children to be fluent in maybe English as it is the language commonly spoken by all outside, but while doing that we somewhere neglect our mother tongue and somewhat take pride to mention that my child speaks only in so and so language and does not understand the mother tongue as we do not speak the same at home.

It is very important for us to get our children familiar to our mother tongue as only through that the child will learn to appreciate other languages and prepare a roadmap for the future. Having the knowledge of multiple languages gives the child a strong base for his growth along with opening many opportunities for the future. A multilingual person has better memory, undoubtedly a better vocabulary, improves listening skills, better communication skills ultimately leading to prosperity.

Knowledge of more languages will always end up in long lasting and meaningful friendships as when you know the language you have a better understanding of the background and culture of the person….it is like possessing another soul and when the soul is connected the relationship turns out to be more meaningful and long lasting.

“Language exerts hidden power, like a moon on the tides.” – Rita Mae Brown

Let language break all the boundaries and bring the world together, make it a happier place for the generations to come. Let’s take a pledge to learn more than one language and make this world into a new world.

“Learn anything you can, from anyone you can; there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.” – Sarah Cladwell

About the Author

Dr. Rupali Dhamdhere is a dedicated educational professional with 7 years of banking and more than 15 years of teaching experience in both a title and non-title school. She believes that teaching is just not a profession but a use of all your resources to push the community further.

In her many years of experience she has covered all aspects of school operations, including teaching, counseling and special program management. She holds a Masters Diploma in Journalism and Communication from Symbiosis Society’s Institute of Journalism and Communication. Rupali also has completed her PhD in Analytical Study of Teaching Pedagogy from the University of Tonga.

Her career started off as a program coordinator at the Mickey Mouse School in Pune after which she moved on to the role of a Principal educational consultant at Kidz Raft. In the year 2009 Rupali gained the position of senior coordinator at Vibgyor High and 2016 onwards she was the principal at CM International School also located in Pune. For her years of expertise and experience in the field she was recognized as one of the 50 Most Influential Principals of India, 2019, by World Education Congress.
